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By definition, live bait needs to be alive and kicking. Otherwise you will stand less of a chance of tempting fish into chomping down on your hook. Thankfully, however, you can supply fresh air to live bait using one of these affordable battery-powered Rapala aerators.Rapala is a global manufacturer of fishing equipment and responsible for some of the most effective products on the market. The company has been in operation since the 1930s and features a rich heritage of innovation.Two C-Cell batteries are all that are required to power this silent-running device. Then it’s simply a matter of placing the plastic hose and air stone within containers or live-wells to give a continuous supply of air to your bait.
Keeping your live bait alive has got to be a concern. Dead bait simply isn’t as appealing to any fish that are worth catching, so do yourself a favour and get one of these outstanding low-cost Rapala aerators here at Fishing Tackle Shop.
Informations du fabricant:
Rapala VMC France rue de l'Industrie 49 90140 Bourogne Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Frankreich
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